
According to social psychologist, aggression is a behaviour which is intended to harm other individual physically or psychologically. Aggression reflects through acts of physical violence, shouting, harsh language etc. Aggression is the word that we use frequently to define behaviour of others.
               Generally aggression is divided into 2 categories:-

1)  Impulsive Aggression:-
It is also known as reactive aggressive behaviour. Impulsive aggression is characterized by strong emotions. It is caused by anger, triggers in the situation. This form of aggression is not planned& it takes place when irritating situation occurs.
For example :- In traffic when some vehicle hits your car & you starts shouting , berating the other driver, that time you are experiencing impulsive aggression. 


It is also known as proactive aggressive behaviour. This type of aggression involves a planned & goal - oriented act of harmful behaviour. Instrument aggression always has an underlying motive & distinct purpose. There are 2 types of instrumental aggression- 1) Physical aggression which includes punching, hitting, kicking , biting etc. 2) Social aggression which includes malicious gossip, manipulation at work place, purposeful aggression in games etc.
Examples of instrumental aggression:- 
1) A child bullying anotger child to get the toy that the otherkid is playing with. 
2) One player pushing other player purposely to fall him/ her down.
3) Teenager spreading gossips about a classmate for some purpose. 

It is also a part of aggressive behaviour. A tantrum is when a child exhibits an uncontrolled burst of anger & frustration. It includes kicking some objects, screaming, biting hitting self, pulling hairs of self or someone else, throwing objects on others, banging head on wall etc.


There are multiple factors responsible for a child's aggression. Exposure of violent media, frustrations in the family, aggressive behaviour of parents, developmental disorders, sibling rivalry, peer issues, school adjustment problems etc. Sometimes aggressive behaviour is a typical stage of emotional & behavioural development, particularly in toddlers.  Hereditary is also important factor of a child's aggressive behaviour. 


1)  Stay calm when the children are losing their temper.

2) Time- out should be used appropriately. Time -out teaches children how to calm down.

3) Distract your child's attention in some other thing. A change in surroundings might help to change your child's behaviour. 

4) Avoid threats. Rather saying stop it or else, it is always more effective to teach alternative behaviour. 

5) Give encouragement when your child exhibits good behaviour.  Rewarding good behaviour is more effective than punishing bad.

6) Don't always fulfill toddler's demand, otherwise they won't learn to control themself. 


1) Give some space to teenagers. Don't force them to talk immediately in the stressful situation. 

2) Parents should maintain calm & peaceful presence. 

3) Parents need to listen their teenagers carefully. Never try to ignore or overprotect them. 

4) Make it clear to your teenagers that what are boundaries for them & how they have to follow it in a peaceful way.

5) Parents should avoid any violent action in front of children. 

6) There should be mutual understanding between parents.
                   It is vey important for parents of aggressive children that they should help their child to understand his or her emotions.  Try to find out the reasons behind the behaviour. If a child's aggression is found at the highest level then never hesitate to ask help of counsellor. 


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